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Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

(after Edmund Jacobson)

Progressive Muskelrelaxation

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

This relaxation method of progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) was developed around 1920/1930. It was developed by a physiologist Edmund Jacobson and became known and popular in Germany from 1970 onwards. Along with autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation is the most widely used and best researched. It can be used preventively to cope with everyday stress in a beneficial way.

Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is a relaxation technique that aims to reduce muscle tension in the body and achieve deep physical and mental relaxation. Here is some information about the benefits, risks and how to do Progressive Muscle Relaxation:

To use:
1. Stress relief: Progressive muscle relaxation can help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and reduce the physical and emotional effects of stress.
2. Anxiety disorders: Progressive muscle relaxation techniques can help relieve anxiety and reduce the body's stress response.
3. Sleep disorders: Progressive muscle relaxation can help improve sleep disorders by promoting sleep quality and supporting relaxation before bedtime.

1. There are no known risks associated with progressive muscle relaxation. It is a safe and gentle method that is generally well tolerated.

1. Progressive muscle relaxation consists of a sequence of exercises in which certain muscle groups in the body are alternately tensed and then relaxed.
2. The exercises aim to reduce muscle tension and bring the body into a state of deep rest.
3. Progressive muscle relaxation can be learned from a qualified trainer who will guide and support you through the various techniques and exercises.

It is important to note that progressive muscle relaxation should be considered a complementary therapy and not a replacement for conventional medical treatments. Before deciding to try progressive muscle relaxation, it is advisable to discuss the best options for your individual situation.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation:
"The effects of progressive muscle relaxation and autogenic relaxation on young soccer players' mood states" (2019) - This study investigated the effects of progressive muscle relaxation and autogenic training on the mood states of young soccer players. The results showed that both relaxation techniques led to a significant improvement in the mood states of the players.

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